I am delighted to announce that the project has come to an end – although I am also a bit sad because I enjoyed working on this project tremendously. However, Konnie Daniel, my wonderful friend and excellent hairstylist has now used all her curlers from her collection in various combinations - so this has to be it, I’m afraid.
Special thanks to Dave, Aurelien, Kirk and Martin for their patience and good humour - and also to the London Academy, who kindly allowed us to work in their studio (www.media-courses.com).
The project can be seen at Hairdressers
More information about the series can be found two bogs down.
Again: In Astrid's ‘Hairdresser’ project all characters are fictional. There is very little relationship between the sitter and the suggestions made about them…
The project will be exhibited later in the year. Watch this space...