Kate, Jess and Astrid are proudly inviting to a Photographic Portraiture Exhibition @ The Underground Gallery,
The Strand, Charing Cross Underground Station Exit 9, London WC2N 4HZ
Gallery opening times: Mo - Sat, 12pm - 6pm
The exhibition is going to be packed with talks and special events. Please put into your diary:
Opening party: Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 6pm – 8.30pm
Evening talk: Confidence and Style: Learn how to deal with changes to your appearance and boost self-confidence during cancer treatment (speaker: Kate Nightingale), Wednesday, 19 October , 6pm – 8.30pm
Afternoon talk: 'Emotional support for patients and their next of kin'. Kate and Jessica share their journey of breast cancer and give their thoughts as to how to keep emotionally strong (guest speaker: Sharon Haliday, Macmillan Cancer Support), Thursday, 20 October , 2pm – 4.30pm
Free photo-session for people affected by breast cancer: get your picture taken by photographer Astrid Schulz, Saturday, 22 October, 12pm – 6pm
Kate’s comment on her images:
'Kate’s Journal’ is a series of portraits that tells my recent journey through breast cancer treatment with a sensitive combination of honesty and subtlety. Astrid has captured my story with great compassion without using any imagery of inherent shock value, in other words, without direct reference to my illness. In this way the viewer senses rather than sees its impact. This is going to be a compelling exhibition with the intention of leaving others empowered and giving a sense of hope to those who undergo life-changing illnesses.
In case you cannot come, 'Kate's Journal' can be found by clicking here