Astrid is very proud to announce that four of her images from the series ‘Hairdressers’ have been selected for the LIP members show.
The LIP Annual Exhibition aims to provide a platform for members to exhibit their best work, to be viewed by each other and the general public. This time the selection process was conducted by individual professionals (Bridget Coaker, picture editor at Guardian Newspaper Group & Director of Troika Editions and Mick Williamson, head of photography at London Metropolitan University), who are connected to London's photographic community.
Venue: The Strand Gallery (Proud Central)
32 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6BP
Showtime: 18.10.11 - 29.10.11
Opening times: Monday – Saturday: 11am – 7pm
Sunday: 11am - 6pm
The members private view takes place on 18th October 2011 (6.30pm - 9.30pm)
‘Hairdressers’ is inspired by the novel Egalia's Daughters in which the protagonists swapped gender based roles. I am questioning our perception on what is regarded as ‘normal’ and what is ‘abnormal’. The sitters look ridiculous because we do not expect men to go through such treatments, but for women of our society this is perfectly normal. Just wondering: perhaps it’s time for men to get emancipated?